The Walk of Hope at Hodal, Haryana on 12th January 2018

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Sri M, leaders of different faiths and Satsangis from the Delhi-NCR region gathered at the historic city of Hodal in Haryana on January 12, 2018, to commemorate the third anniversary of the Walk of Hope.

Fr. Savarimuthu Sankar, Priest-in-charge of St. Montford Church in Delhi and the Public Relations Officer of the Delhi Catholic Archdiocese, Rinpoche Gyalton and his associates from the Buddhist faith and Suchit Tripathi and Asif Maqsood from the Baha’i faith, were among the dignitaries present.

Led by Sri M, the group walked through the heart of the city to the vast grounds of the Maharani Kishori Memorial Kanya Vidyalaya, where between two to three lakhs of people had gathered to celebrate Sadbhavna Divas or Goodwill Day to call for peaceful co-existence among different faiths, castes and creeds.

The Sadbhavna Mahapanchayat was organized by Choudhary Harsh Kumar, a former Haryana MLA and Minister from the district. It was attended by leaders of all village and Khap Panchayats from the area, bar associations, traders’ associations and people from all walks of life.

Sri M was specially invited to lead a walk to the venue and address the gathering. He urged the people to forget their differences and be like the variegated streams that flow into the vast ocean together. He called for peace, understanding, unity and oneness so that India could move ahead with the comity of nations.

The Symbolic Walk led by Sri M

End of symbolic walk, led by Sri M

Sri M’s Address

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